jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Terremoto! (Earthquake)

Today... we had an earthquake... well not really a full earthquake - just a tremble really. I was up in my room, and the walls were starting to rattle, and someone was actually at my mama ticas house putting in a new tile floor, because they are building an addition - so I assumed it was just some sort of machine he was using that was making the house shake until I heard my mama tica call me downstairs. We stood in the doorframe until it was over, and everything was fine. It was very minor, and I don't think there was any damage anywhere, just a little tremble - she said it was because of the change in seasons. Who knows?

1 comentario:

kaitlyn lauren dijo...

that is crazy! im glad everything is alright. the monkeys. sloths, and iguanas are amazing and i cant wait to experience it!!!