miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Pura Vida! (A saying in Costa Rica... which can mean almost anything... at least anything good)

Today I did my first 15 minute presentation on the Sandanista Revolution and the Contra War of Nicaragua. It went really well. And I am very proud of myself because I did ALL of my research in Spanish. It was actually a lot easier to do the research in Spanish - than to do it in English and then have to translate it back into Spanish. I have my midterm Friday - it's crazy!

Last night, I went to a church. It was absolutely terrible... I have never been to a health, wealth, and happiness church in Latin America and it was the first! It was worse than chapel. The message: do the right thing and you will be prosperous... God will bless you. I was like... wow... Anyways, the worst (at least I thought) thing about it was that a guy came with us who doesn't go to church and isn't sure what he thought about God, and then afterward when we were walking back another of the girls was trying to convert him - like with all the Christianese jargon... so terrible... like seriously trying to walk him through the steps of salvation (... as if there are steps that even exist...) so that Jesus could save him so that he wouldn't go to hell. After she left, though, I got to talk to him, and I just talked to him about how everything wasn't as black and white as she made it sound, and I told him about my Jesus, and about how my Jesus is not just fire insurance and a free ticket to heaven, but it truly means something for here and now, and I talked to him about the kingdom of heaven and its reign on earth, and some of the things that I struggle with such as who will actually be saved, what does the new heaven and the new earth actually mean, etc., and he said that he really like my perspective on it! So hopefully we will get to talk more! I feel like I am making an impact. I feel like if people knew what Jesus was really like (not what people make him sound like... the free ticket to heaven...) they would want to follow him too because they would get to be a part of the restoration of our world!

Anyways, I need to go study for my midterm and continue reading my 90 page Spanish novel that is due next week (... that I have to look up like at least 1 word a paragraph...). I can't believe that it is almost halfway done!

1 comentario:

kaitlyn lauren dijo...

is sounds amazing! every time i read i get more and more excited about when i get to go to languages school. you are making a difference everywhere you let Jesus shine through you! you are in my prayers.