martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

Mi Primer Clase! (Translation: My first class)

Today was my first class! I am in Advanced Spanish I. The proffesor talks very fast. After the first hour, my brain was on overload, from trying to figure everything out. After awhile my brain started working faster and I was able to understand almost everything. There are only 3 other girls in my class, so we all get to speak a lot and we will get to discuss things. I have Spanish class from 8-12 and then everyday Monday-Thursday I will have 2 1/2 hours of homework. Next week I have to do a 10-30 minute oral presentation - without any notes! Our book has different readings about Costa Rica and then the grammar study is within that. It is very interesting. It is nice to learn all about Costa Rica while I am here.

Last night was an interesting experience. Apparently, in Costa Rica, children learn to dance before they learn to walk, so dancing is HUGE here. The band was really good - and we danced some salsa and merengue. The school gives dance lessons - for Salsa and Meregue and other Latin dances - on Tuesday nights, so I will be going to that tonight. It should be interesting. It is sad because all of the international students hang out together and speak English, but I am trying to talk more to my mama tica, so practice more. Everything is great here, but I feel like I don't know anyone. Most of the people aren't people I would hang out with normally, so it is going to be an experience. However, I have met a few people that seem really cool, and we are going up in the mountains this weekend to Volcan Arenal and Monteverde. It'll be really nice to see everything all around Costa Rica!

2 comentarios:

kaitlyn lauren dijo...

It sounds exciting and challenging all at once. These four weeks will be practical field experience, except you might have a husband with you. I'm excited to her more stories. You're in my prayers!

Jessica's Mom dijo...

We miss you at home but it sounds like you're having a great time there in Costa Rica. What a wonderful opportunity to be immersed in Spanish in preparation for your study abroad next fall. Tell you mama tica I appreciate her taking such good care of you ... and have her give you a hug for me. :) Love, hugs and prayers. ~Mom